How Do You Clean Partial Dentures?

Getting partial dentures can be life changing, allowing you to eat and speak with confidence again. However, keeping them clean is essential for your oral health. Learning proper cleaning techniques ensures your partials keep working well and last longer.

Cleaning partial dentures may seem intimidating at first. Unlike full dentures that remove entirely from your mouth, partials have metal frameworks that attach to your remaining natural teeth. Special care is required to thoroughly clean all surfaces without damaging delicate attachments. The good news is that with the right tools and techniques, cleaning partials is straightforward.

The key is using a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaner. Avoid stiff brushes or strong chemicals that can scratch. Brush all tooth and gum-facing surfaces daily after meals. At least weekly, do a deeper cleaning by soaking for 20 minutes in denture cleaner to fully sanitize. Rinsing well afterward prevents residue buildup. Storing partials dry between wearings keeps them fresh. With a gentle routine, your partial dentures can stay clean and functional for many years.

How to Clean Partial Dentures: A Complete Guide

Getting partial dentures can restore your smile and allow you to eat comfortably again. However, keeping them clean is essential for your oral and overall health. Learning the proper techniques for cleaning partial dentures ensures they continue working well and last as long as possible.

Why Keeping Partial Dentures Clean is Crucial

Unlike full dentures that remove entirely from the mouth, partial dentures have metal frameworks that attach to remaining natural teeth. This makes cleaning all surfaces thoroughly critical, without damaging delicate attachments. Proper cleaning removes debris, stains, and bacteria that can otherwise:

  • Cause bad breath
  • Lead to gum inflammation and infection
  • Result in decay around natural teeth
  • Shorten the longevity of dentures

It is crucial to be mindful of specific care instructions, including the recommendation to sleep with dentures in your mouth only if advised by your dentist. Following these guidelines ensures the longevity and effectiveness of your dentures, promoting overall oral health.

Supplies Needed for Cleaning Partial Dentures

Cleaning partial dentures does not require fancy tools. Equipping your bathroom with a few essentials makes the process quick and easy:

  • Soft-bristle toothbrush: Avoid hard bristled brushes that can scratch delicate denture materials.
  • Non-abrasive toothpaste: Use standard toothpaste, not whitening pastes containing abrasives that wear down dentures faster.
  • Denture cleaner: Chemical soaks help sanitize and remove stubborn stains. Choose a brand formulated for partials.
  • Denture brush: Small, angled brushes allow accessing hard-to-reach areas on partial frameworks.
  • Denture cup: Designated cups prevent losing dentures while cleaning.
  • Hand towel: Place towels in the sink or on counters in case dentures get dropped.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning partial dentures takes just 5-10 minutes daily. Here is the recommended routine:

1. Rinse Under Cool Water

  • Rinse dentures after each meal to wash away food debris and saliva.
  • Using cool water prevents warping from temperature changes.

2. Brush All Surfaces

  • Apply non-abrasive toothpaste to a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Gently brush all outer and inner surfaces of the dentures.
  • Carefully brush attachments, metal clasps, and areas around natural teeth.
  • Rinse again until water runs clear.

3. Soak in Denture Cleaner

  • Fill denture cup with cool water and add a denture cleaning tablet.
  • Soak dentures for 5-10 minutes to sanitize and tackle stains.
  • Rinse extremely well before wearing again.

4. Brush and Floss Natural Teeth

  • While dentures are soaking, brush and floss remaining natural teeth.
  • Pay extra attention to areas in contact with clasps and attachments.

5. Rinse Mouth After Reinsertion

  • After placing dentures back into the mouth, rinse again.
  • This removes any lingering cleaner and freshens breath.

How To Store Partial Dentures Overnight

How To Store Partial Dentures Overnight

Storing partial dentures properly overnight is important. It keeps them clean and safe. Follow these steps before bed: Thoroughly rinse partials after the last wearing. Gently brush all surfaces as well. Allow your partials to air dry on a clean paper towel. Never wrap or store partials wet. This can cause bacterial growth leading to stains or bad breath.

Designate a storage spot up high out of pets and kids reach. A bathroom cabinet shelf or denture case works well. Never submerge partials in water long term. This can distort shape over time. Storing partials dry overnight keeps them fresh and functional for wearing all next day. Be sure to still brush and clean your remaining natural teeth before bed too. Proper overnight denture care is simple and makes partials last.

Deep Cleaning Partial Dentures

In addition to daily cleaning, deeper cleaning weekly helps partial dentures last longer. Here are some extra sanitizing tips:

  • White vinegar soak: The acidic properties break down calcium deposits that cause plaque buildup. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water. Soak 10-15 minutes weekly.
  • Mouthwash soak: Some brands contain antiseptic ingredients to kill bacteria missed by daily cleaning. Ensure mouthwash is safe for dentures.
  • Ultrasonic cleaner: These devices use waves to create tiny bubbles that lift away microdebris. Ask your dentist if investing in one could benefit your oral health.
  • Dentist cleaning: Get professional cleanings every 6 months – 1 year. The dentist scales plaque below the gumlines that is impossible to reach at home.

Denture Cleaning Solution

Denture cleaning solutions help clean dentures. They remove food, plaque, and stains from dentures. Some common ingredients in denture cleaning solutions are:

  • Sodium perborate – cleans and whitens dentures
  • Sodium bicarbonate – dissolves food particles
  • Citric acid – removes stains and tartar
  • Surfactants – break up debris and dirt

People should use denture cleaning solutions regularly. This helps keep dentures clean. There are two main types of denture cleaning solutions:

  1. Tablets that dissolve in water to make a soak solution
  2. Liquid solutions that can be used directly

This table compares the two types:

Type Benefits Drawbacks
Tablets Portable, precise doses Can leave residue
Liquids Ready to use Bottles may spill

To use denture cleaning solutions: Add tablet to water or liquid solution to cup, soak dentures 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly before wearing again.

Storing Partial Dentures Overnight

How and where partial dentures are stored overnight impacts cleanliness. Follow these guidelines:

  • Always remove partials at bedtime to give gums a rest.
  • Allow dentures to air dry completely before storing to avoid bacterial growth.
  • Designate a clean, high shelf or denture case to protect from pets, children, or accidental damage.
  • Never wrap partials in tissue or submerge in water for prolonged periods which can distort shape.

Cleaning Partial Denture Attachments

Partial denture attachments like precision attachments and implants require special attention when cleaning.

  • Precision attachments: Intricate connectors between dentures and natural teeth. Gently brush using a denture brush. See the dentist promptly if attachments become damaged or loose.
  • Implants: Metal posts surgically inserted into the jawbone that attach dentures. Use specialized tools like interdental brushes and floss threaders to clean the abutments. Seek professional cleanings every 3-6 months.

Do You Put Dentures In Wet Or Dry

Do You Put Dentures In Wet Or Dry

Dentures should always be completely dry before putting them in your mouth. Inserting wet dentures can lead to irritation, infection, and oral health issues. After thoroughly cleaning dentures, place them on a paper towel and let air dry for 15-20 minutes. This allows all moisture and cleaning solution residue to fully evaporate.

Before bed, remove and gently brush dentures. Then let them dry on a clean surface overnight. Storing overnight while wet encourages bacterial growth causing stains, odors, and plaque buildup. The next morning, examine dentures to ensure no moisture remains before inserting. 

Putting in clean, dry dentures every day keeps your mouth healthy and comfortable. Be sure to still brush your gums and remaining natural teeth well before wearing too. Proper denture care routines make them last.

The Importance of Proper Denture Care

Caring for partial dentures properly has lifelong benefits beyond a bright, confident smile including:

  • Preventing bad breath
  • Allowing comfortable chewing and speech
  • Maintaining nutrition by eating a wide variety of foods
  • Decreasing risk of oral infections and inflammation
  • Catching problems early before they require denture remakes
  • Reducing dental expenses from repairs or tooth extractions
  • Extending the lifespan of dentures

Establishing consistent denture care habits takes dedication but pays dividends for wellbeing. Partnering with your dentist ensures partials stay fitting perfectly for many years.

Frequently Asked Question

How often should I clean my partial dentures?

Clean partial dentures at minimum once daily, ideally after each meal.

What supplies do I need to clean partial dentures?

Clean partials using a soft toothbrush, non-abrasive toothpaste, denture cleaner, and designated denture cup and brush.

Can I use regular toothpaste on my partial dentures?

Avoid regular toothpastes as some contain abrasive ingredients that can damage delicate dentures over time.

Is it safe to use bleach or other household cleaners on partials?

Never use bleach, soap, or other household cleaners to clean partials as these can distort shape and cause corrosion.

How do I clean partial denture attachments and implants?

Use specialized tools like interdental brushes, denture brushes, and floss threaders to gently clean intricate attachments and implants.


Keeping partial dentures clean is crucial for oral health. Food and bacteria can get trapped under partials, causing bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay, and oral infections. Establishing a daily cleaning routine using proper denture brushes, toothpaste, and soaking solutions removes debris to keep partials functioning optimally.

Be sure to brush all surfaces of the metal framework and attachments thoroughly every day. At least weekly, do a deep cleaning by soaking partials in denture cleaner to sanitize. Proper care makes partial dentures last longer, fit comfortably, and boost confidence in your smile. See your dentist regularly and follow their recommendations for cleaning partial dentures.

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